Sunday, July 15, 2012


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One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been the invention of computers. They are already widely used in industry and in universities, and the time may come for ordinary people to use them as well.
Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning. They can solve problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order. These machines can be put to varied uses. For instance, they can provide information on the best way to prevent traffic accidents, or they can count the number of times a certain word has been used in a book. Because they work accurately and at high speeds, they save research workers years of hard work. This whole process by which machines can be used to work for us has been called automation.
In the future, automation may enable human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they do today. But, the coming of automation is bound to have important social consequences. Besides its advantages there are negative effect man is replaced by machines, and it means that some of them will loose their jobs.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


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Gardening for some people is a pleasant recreation, to other an absorbing hobby. People of all ages in every part of the world grow food and flowers in gardens. To millions gardening is the work by which they make their own daily bread and help to feed the rest of the world.
One the best things about home gardening is that it can be enjoyed by anyone who loves nature and who has a few feet of soil in which to work. From the time children can first toddle after their mothers, helping to pull weeds and seeds of plants, gardening can be exciting and interesting for them all their lives.

Gardening makes a person appreciate beauty, and gives a realization that plants, like all other living things, will be well and healthy only if they are given good care, proper food, and enough water and sunshine. Anyone who plants a garden must "follow through" if he wants success. A week's neglect of weed pulling or of watering in a dry spell may result in a ruined garden. Plants are living things arid they deserve good care on the part of the gardeners.

The families who live on most small or medium-sized places are able and glad to do all the gardening themselves. Sometimes an expert or a landscape architect is called in to make the first plan. Perhaps he plants the trees, shrubs, and hedges, and lays out the driveways.
Gardens, besides beautifying the house with flowers and trees, can also be useful and productive if they are planted with fruits, vegetables or medicinal herbs.

Source : an english course by A. Ghani Johan

Educational Psychology in Modern School

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The study of educational psychology can help teachers and prospective teachers to improve their understanding of children and youth, and to become more effective in their work. The twofold purpose of this science is to develop and apply psychological principles in the interests of better teaching.

In developing their principles of teaching, educational psychologists concern with every field of psychology, especially the fields of learning, child and adolescent development, social psychology, individual differences, and mental health. From these fields they have developed principles that are applicable to all the major functions of teaching.


Since educational needs and educational theories change with the changes in society educational psychologists must always reexamine their principles and adapt their concepts to the changes that are taking place.

The changes in society have caused basic changes in educational theory. Some of these latter changes have involved the question of what to teach. Of course it is impossible to construct a curriculum that embraces all useful knowledge. We are now beginning to recognize that learning how to learn and how to solve problems is more important than merely accumulating a store of knowledge. Difficult, novel problem, for which there may be no solutions, are faced by individuals day by day. Therefore, in educating our children for citizenship in the new age, we are not trying to prepare them for sharply prescribed roles. Our supreme educational aim is to develop man's creative powers for constructive service in society.

Source : an english course by A. Ghani Johan

Children's Drawings

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Children's Drawings

Children love to draw. It is perhaps drawing is more than anything else that reveals their tendency to think in images and discloses all the charm of their perception. Some countries strive to create the best possible conditions for developing and perfecting children's abilities and artistic talents. It is in kindergartens, under expert guidance, that the children begin to acquire their first habits in art. A more serious study on the art of drawing comes with the first year in school - when children are seven years old. Here they are taught the fundamental of realistic drawing by teachers.

In addition to drawing lessons, every school has its art section where children develop their abilities. Moreover, teachers often take them to exhibitions, museums and picture galleries. Annual exhibition of children's painting have become a tradition now. The exhibits include the best works from most countries in the world. The number of exhibitors and exhibits is extremely high and grows steadily with each passing year. There is a wide range of subjects depicted in these works-townscapes and landscapes, illustrations for fairly tales, scenes from tourist excursions and games, animals, birds and still life.

The works of the youthful artists may not be skillfully executed, they may not be of the same artistic level, but they do captivate by their sincerity, straightforwardness and originality.

source : an english course by A. Ghani Johan

The Effect of Television Violence on Children

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The Effect of Television Violence on Children - Parents and teachers are worried about the effect of TV violence on children. Many children watch TV for several hours everyday and even though they are watching children's programs, they are still confronted with scenes of violence and terror. Whether this will encourage children to act more violently themselves is not certain.

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There has been a general increase in violence in society in recent years, but experts have not been able to trace this trend directly to TV. Yet, they point out that the situation is dangerous because TV and films as well, teaches children at an early age to accept violence as a natural part of life.

source : an english course by A. Ghani Johan

Friday, July 13, 2012


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Despite all the atrocities falsely attributed to it, the gorilla is essentially a peace-loving creature that would rather retreat than fight except when its life is threatened and retreat is impossible. In the wild it has never been seen eating meat, although some have learned to do so in captivity. Nor do gorillas seem to drink water in the wild, they apparently get what moisture they need from their diet of greenery and fruit.