Sunday, July 15, 2012


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One of the greatest advances in modern technology has been the invention of computers. They are already widely used in industry and in universities, and the time may come for ordinary people to use them as well.
Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning. They can solve problems or put thousands of unrelated facts in order. These machines can be put to varied uses. For instance, they can provide information on the best way to prevent traffic accidents, or they can count the number of times a certain word has been used in a book. Because they work accurately and at high speeds, they save research workers years of hard work. This whole process by which machines can be used to work for us has been called automation.
In the future, automation may enable human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they do today. But, the coming of automation is bound to have important social consequences. Besides its advantages there are negative effect man is replaced by machines, and it means that some of them will loose their jobs.


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